• Gastronomy

    Put Earth for the best display (functionalite) and Sat. for names of town.

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  • Ingredients :

    - 750 g of haricots coco or mojette de Vendée

    - 16 slice dry sausage

    - 8 sausage de Toulouse 

    - 4 slice de poitrine de porc fraîche

    - 4 slice bacon 

    - 2 box of preserve duck

    - 70 g tomatoes concentrate in a box

    - breadcrumbs

    - garlick clove, thyme, laurel

    - salt and pepper

    Making :

    Put mojette to soak overnight in cold water.

    Dry mojette and cook in a pot, covered with cold water, unsalted, with 5 or 6 garlic clove, thyme and laurel, during a half an hour to three quarters an hour , from boiling.

    Dry mojette, then put in a large pot, cover with water. Add the tomato concentrate, sliced ​​sausage, cut bacon into pieces before and put it, a few garlic clove (we will removed the old), thyme, laurel, put to simmer.

    In a stove, cooked bacon, then sausages, and add all this to the pot, taking care to wipe off excess grease with a paper towel. Salt and pepper, and simmer one hour back has a very low heat (maximum thermostat 3), stir occasionally.

    Remove the duck legs boxes, clean any grease, and separate the top and bottom of legs.

    Add to the casserole dish, flavoring and simmer 1/2 hour. Set the oven to preheat, convection (we put two plates on two levels) at 110 ° C (thermostat 3 or 4).

    Take two large baking dish in terra cotta , rub with garlic, then carefully, spread the contents of the pan in both dishes (warning confit that detach easily). The sauce should just cover the beans. Then sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and put in oven.

    Check regularly that the preparation cooked slowly, and if there is enough sauce, the juice should always be at the beans. From time to time, press the meat or sausage for a bit back in the sauce.

    Can simmer another half hour, two hours or better cool it an hour and return to cook for another hour (for example, if is prepared the day before).

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  • Les escargots à la narbonnaise (of Narbonne)

    Snail cooked with for 4 peoples :

    100 Petits Gris

    1 Bouquet garni

    200 Gr of raw cube ham

    1 onion

    1 shallot

    1 garlick

    20Cl. of dry withe wine

    300gr of mashed tomatoes

    800gr of pound tomatoes

    50 Gr of flaked almond

    Olive oil

    Salt, pepper

    Cook snail with a court bouillon during 3 heures (Start with cold water)

    Blend onion, shallot and garlic, with ham, faire suer the whole with olive oil.

    Add snails, stir, include white wine, then tomatoes, leave to simmer during a hour.

    Scatter the plate with flaked almond before the service.

    Below the snail à la catalane, it's a variation.


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